

There are two weeks left before you arrive, and I'm definitely nesting.

After completing a big boy makeover in Zeek's room:

I made over the upstairs bathroom to be a little more girly for you:

Then I spent a few days finishing up your bedroom makeover
(more on that later)
and now I am on to purging, cleaning, and organizing this house like never before! 
It is in shambles, but I am looking forward to starting the school year 
and our life with our host daughter in a fresh and ready home. :)


One More Month!

It's been awhile since I've written here. 

We've learned that you will arrive around August 10th! That is so much earlier that we thought they would allow, and we are SO happy about it!!! 

We've been communicating back and forth through facebook, and it's been so good getting to know you better. You are the sweetest girl. You're so smart and loving. I can't wait to meet you! I think of you so often. 

It's strange that I miss you when you've never even been here.
And even stranger that I feel so sad for the day when you leave here to return home next year. 

I'm praying that you will not have a difficult transition when you arrive here this summer. I can't imagine what it will be like to be so far away from your family when you are so close to them and have not ever been away. 
Even more so, I can't imagine what it will be like for them to spend an entire year without YOU!

I have been communicating a little with your Mother, as well. She is very nice. Of course, she is concerned for you, but I'm glad that she is comfortable with us being your host family. Her words have been very kind and encouraging. We are looking forward to maintaining a relationship with her throughout the year. 

We have decided with you that we will attend a wedding in Milwaukee together the day after you arrive in August! You are confident that it will not be too much for you, and we are flexible if we have to change the plan due to your arrival. It is so fun to schedule things that we will be doing with you after you arrive!
We're so excited!!!