
Trial Time

You're on a tour of the East Coast with your program.

I kind of thought it would a good trial run before your 
departure that is coming up so soon.

I figured that it would be good for Zeek to feel his life
and house without you, BEFORE you were actually gone home.

But the truth is, we're just going about our business,
as if you are on vacation and you will be back soon enough...

I never realized how many times a day I think of you.
Where you are, when I need to do something for you next,
what and how you are doing.

I never realized that I feel better about Zeek being upstairs 
to play or even to sleep in his room
because you are up there, too.

And there is no option for a game of Sequence
with a worthy opponent.

Or someone in the house who UNDERSTANDS
my deep need for chocolate somedays.

No Enrique Iglesias.

No long girly conversations.

No surprise load of dishes washed
and drying on the counter.

I did NOT however, miss your laundry.
So, I guess I have just one thing to look forward to.

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