Last weekend we went to Door County for a mini vacation.
It was your first time.
We stayed at out family's condo where our family
almost always stays when we visit Door County.
It was a good and relaxing time for the three of us.
I learned that you love to build puzzles.
We ate at Al's, of course.
I was only sorry you didn't get to see the goats
on the roof because of the coming winter season.
But the food was just as good as always. :)
We had ice cream at "Not Licked Yet" everyday.
And we went to Hands On Art!
You and Zeek carved pumpkins, again.
When Zeek saw me taking this picture of you,
he said that you were even cuter than your pumpkin.
I agreed.
We each painted a piece of pottery while we were there, too.
This is your beach scene on a plate, before it was fired in the kiln.
It is beautiful.
We also made our way to the real beach at sunset one evening.
It was not nearly as warm as one would like the beach to be,
it was certainly beautiful.
We took fun pictures, walked the edge of the water,
drew in the sand, and watched the sun set...
It was a great time for all of us.