

It was your first Thanksgiving.

There was lots of cooking resulting in a lot of good food.

There were three days full of friends and family, too.

And after stuffing ourselves full meal after meal,
now you know why we only eat Turkey once a year. :)



If there's one thing that can't over-stay it's welcome in Wisconsin, it's Autumn.
The longer it lasts the later winter begins, 
and not many people will complain about that! :)

This autumn has been long and blessed with warmer days than usual. 

You have been spending more time in the house with
the family, and less teen time in your room this week! :)

It's so nice to have you around.
I loved watching you and Zeek at the table together, 
creating leaf creatures from fallen pressed leaves.

You've been adding to the gratitude tree each day.

And you even spent an evening painting.

I loved adding your colorful piece to our art mantle! 

Although, I'm sure the nice weather will not hold on forever
things seem to be warming up in our home quite nicely! :)

First Live Packer Game!!!

Today, we took you to your first Packer game live at Lambeau Stadium.

Thankfully, we were able to get tickets to sit INdoors,
so we didn't have to freeze outside.

I know that football is not your favorite thing
(it took me about 20 years to start liking it myself)
but it was good to see such a sight, 
and be a part of a live game either way. 

And of course, WE WON!!! :)



First Snow

Today, it snowed for the first time of the year. 

We were so blessed that you were home from school due to 10th grade testing.
I so wanted to be with you for the first snow; your first snow EVER! 
It was such a busy morning in the house, but we dropped everything 
to bundle up and go outside to enjoy the snowfall. 

It was so beautiful and you loved it! 

It was also Apple's first snow.

You and Zeek played outside longer than I did. 
You didn't mind the cold. You didn't even zipper your jacket! :)

Later in the evening we went sledding at the neighbors' house. 
You were surprised when I took out all of the winter gear that you would wear.
You couldn't believe we put all of that on to go outside. 

You loved sledding as well. 

When we got home you were so warm that you couldn't get your snow gear off fast enough. 

It was only 2.7 degrees Celsius. You have never been in such cold. You said it wasn't so bad after all. 

It was a really special day for all of us. We will never forget it! 


Door County in October

Last weekend we went to Door County for a mini vacation.
It was your first time.

We stayed at out family's condo where our family 
almost always stays when we visit Door County.

It was a good and relaxing time for the three of us.

I learned that you love to build puzzles.

We ate at Al's, of course. 
I was only sorry you didn't get to see the goats
on the roof because of the coming winter season. 

But the food was just as good as always. :)

We had ice cream at "Not Licked Yet" everyday.

And we went to Hands On Art! 

You and Zeek carved pumpkins, again.

When Zeek saw me taking this picture of you,
he said that you were even cuter than your pumpkin. 
I agreed.

We each painted a piece of pottery while we were there, too.

This is your beach scene on a plate, before it was fired in the kiln.
It is beautiful.

We also made our way to the real beach at sunset one evening.

It was not nearly as warm as one would like the beach to be,
it was certainly beautiful. 

We took fun pictures, walked the edge of the water,
drew in the sand, and watched the sun set...

It was a great time for all of us.